Latest Dividend: MENONBE has declared an Interim Dividend of Rs. 2.00 for the financial year 2021-22. The Record Date for determining entitlement of shareholders to dividend is October 28, 2021.
Dividend Info Menon Bearings Ltd. has a good dividend-paying record. The company typically pays one dividend per year (excluding specials), and it has consistently declared dividends for the last five years.
On October 20, 2021, MENONBE, declared an Interim Dividend of Rs. 2.00 per share on the equity shares of the face value of Re. 1/- each for the fiscal year 2021-22.
The Record Date for determining the entitlement of shareholders to the dividend is October 28, 2021 . Additionally, the Dividend payment would be made on/or before November 12, 2021 .
Key Metrics
MENONBE Menon Bearings Ltd. 98.39 2.00 Interim 27/10/2021 12/11/2021 1.50 1.52% 4.83% Annually 79.76% 4.29 22.94 2.32 3.85 88.00 158.00 551.38
MENONBE Dividend History The below chart shows the full dividend history for Menon Bearings Ltd.
Below are the historical dividend data for MENONBE since 2001
25/05/2001 30/07/2001 Final 1.00 10.00 AGM 28/05/2002 08/08/2002 Final 0.80 8.00 AGM 08/07/2003 14/08/2003 Final 1.50 15.00 AGM 21/05/2004 22/07/2004 Final 3.00 30.00 AGM 10/05/2005 03/08/2005 Final 4.00 40.00 AGM 13/07/2006 23/08/2006 Final 2.20 22.00 AGM 21/05/2007 13/08/2007 Final 2.50 25.00 AGM 29/05/2008 17/09/2008 Final 2.50 25.00 AGM 16/06/2009 03/08/2009 Final 2.50 25.00 13/05/2010 12/08/2010 Final 1.25 25.00 26/05/2011 24/08/2011 Final 2.25 45.00 28/05/2012 09/08/2012 Final 2.75 55.00 20/05/2013 13/08/2013 Final 2.00 40.00 12/05/2014 15/07/2014 Final 3.00 60.00 05/05/2015 06/07/2015 Final 0.80 80.00 08/03/2016 17/03/2016 Interim 1.00 100.00 06/02/2017 16/02/2017 Interim 1.00 100.00 17/07/2017 31/07/2017 Interim 0.75 75.00 01/11/2017 16/11/2017 Interim 0.50 50.00 Second Interim Dividend 03/05/2018 12/07/2018 Final 0.25 25.00 10/10/2018 31/10/2018 Interim 1.50 150.00 17/07/2019 26/07/2019 Interim 1.25 125.00 11/03/2020 20/03/2020 Interim 1.25 125.00 08/01/2021 03/02/2021 Interim 1.50 150.00 05/10/2021 27/10/2021 Interim 2.00 200.00
∑ = 43.05
Peer Comparison
AMARAJABAT Amara Raja Batteries Ltd. 4.00 Interim 24/11/2021 11/12/2021 10.00 1.65% Annually 26.89% 1.51 2.83 0.00 BOSCHLTD Bosch Ltd. 28,294.00 115.00 Interim 12/07/2021 04/09/2021 115.00 0.41% 0.78% Annually 70.36% 686.78 41.20 5.31 5.12 26,005.00 39,088.80 83,251.86 EXIDEIND Exide Industries Ltd. 366.10 2.00 Interim 07/02/2022 01/03/2022 4.00 1.09% 2.30% Annually 21.44% 9.32 39.27 0.87 1.94 302.80 620.35 31,097.11 SUNCLAYLTD Sundaram-Clayton Ltd. 11.00 Interim 30/03/2021 23/04/2021 26.00 1.28% Annually 18.31% 0.37 2.71 0.00 INDNIPPON India Nippon Electricals Ltd. 642.00 6.25 Interim 21/02/2022 09/03/2022 6.25 0.97% 2.51% Semiannually 30.40% 33.45 19.19 1.92 2.31 545.30 867.00 1,426.96 SUNDRMFAST Sundram Fasteners Ltd. 950.00 6.45 Interim 21/02/2022 12/03/2022 9.85 1.04% 1.44% Semiannually 25.78% 26.10 36.40 3.73 6.98 893.15 1,505.95 19,962.19 SKFINDIA SKF India Ltd. 3,833.50 14.50 Final 06/07/2021 22/08/2021 14.50 0.38% 2.30% Annually 239.70% 108.70 35.27 4.71 8.60 3,541.00 7,350.00 18,962.83 ENDURANCE Endurance Technologies Ltd. 1,990.00 6.00 Final 12/08/2021 23/09/2021 6.00 0.30% 0.44% Annually 16.24% 56.97 34.93 44.82 3.27 1,675.00 3,061.30 28,058.08 RBL Rane Brake Linings Ltd. 724.80 25.00 Final 16/07/2021 04/08/2021 25.00 3.45% 2.54% Semiannually 61.00% 57.89 12.52 1.56 2.86 645.00 1,370.00 559.57 PRADPME Pradeep Metals Ltd. 218.25 1.00 Final 04/08/2021 12/09/2021 1.00 0.46% 1.77% Annually 0.00% 16.16 13.51 0.00 1.74 206.00 322.00 376.92 NELCAST Nelcast Ltd. 91.75 0.20 Final 30/07/2021 08/09/2021 0.20 0.22% 0.79% Annually 19.24% 3.31 27.70 1.31 1.63 78.55 166.00 797.42 TALBROAUTO Talbros Automotive Components Ltd. 276.58 1.00 Interim 18/02/2022 11/03/2022 3.00 1.08% 0.80% Annually 4.18% 19.06 14.51 1.08 2.27 200.20 395.80 1,702.52 LUMAXIND Lumax Industries Ltd. 2,407.00 7.00 Final 20/08/2021 30/09/2021 7.00 0.29% 1.76% Annually 47.51% 141.22 17.04 1.19 3.74 1,960.00 3,033.80 2,238.70 LUMAXTECH Lumax Auto Technologies Ltd. 563.00 3.00 Final 20/08/2021 30/09/2021 3.00 0.53% 2.61% Annually 21.18% 24.01 23.45 1.12 2.39 424.05 684.50 3,837.28 WABCOINDIA Wabco India Ltd. 11.00 Final 16/09/2021 28/09/2021 11.00 0.14% Annually 20.10% 7.27 6.78 0.00 TIINDIA Tube Investments of India Ltd. 2,864.95 2.00 Interim 17/02/2022 04/03/2022 3.50 0.12% 0.33% Annually 0.00% 42.16 67.95 3.56 12.41 2,407.10 4,810.80 55,430.11 BHARATFORG Bharat Forge Ltd. 1,199.10 1.50 Interim 25/11/2021 09/12/2021 3.50 0.29% 0.76% Annually 60.83% 19.20 62.46 4.95 6.66 1,002.15 1,804.50 57,327.60 MUNJALSHOW Munjal Showa Ltd. 113.00 4.50 Final 12/08/2021 24/09/2021 4.50 3.98% 3.17% Annually 58.59% 6.93 16.30 0.60 0.99 105.31 192.63 451.98 FIEMIND Fiem Industries Ltd. 1,419.00 16.00 Final 13/09/2021 15/10/2021 16.00 1.13% 2.26% Annually 41.73% 73.06 19.42 0.88 1.89 1,068.65 1,790.00 3,734.76 WHEELS Wheels India Ltd. 616.80 1.00 Final 27/07/2021 03/09/2021 1.00 0.16% 0.93% Semiannually 132.20% 45.67 13.51 0.59 2.15 543.60 914.95 1,524.58 GABRIEL Gabriel India Ltd. 598.60 0.55 Interim 22/11/2021 10/12/2021 1.25 0.21% 1.07% Semiannually 13.46% 15.98 37.45 1.08 3.14 326.00 607.80 8,598.52 IGARASHI Igarashi Motors India Ltd. 524.85 1.50 Final 29/07/2021 08/09/2021 1.50 0.29% 1.16% Annually 18.43% 8.34 62.92 3.21 3.97 407.25 848.95 1,651.97 INVPRECQ Investment & Precision Castings Ltd. 659.50 0.50 Final 27/07/2021 03/09/2021 1.25 0.19% 0.91% Annually 149.88% 9.71 67.91 0.00 1.45 503.00 1,049.00 329.75 AUTOAXLES Automotive Axles Ltd. 1,686.05 4.50 Final 03/08/2021 09/09/2021 4.50 0.27% 1.34% Annually 29.92% 101.71 16.58 2.32 3.79 1,535.00 2,214.00 2,536.68 MINDAIND Minda Industries Ltd. 0.50 Final 04/08/2021 11/09/2021 0.85 0.19% Annually 10.44% 3.12 8.68 0.00 KALYANIFRG Kalyani Forge Ltd. 536.30 1.50 Final 05/08/2021 13/09/2021 1.50 0.28% 1.31% Annually 0.00% 18.68 28.71 0.44 0.82 371.15 823.95 195.11 GNA GNA Axles Ltd. 328.10 2.50 Final 10/09/2021 20/10/2021 5.00 1.52% 0.62% Annually 7.60% 22.92 14.32 1.05 2.31 287.75 493.80 1,408.56 RKFORGE Ramkrishna Forgings Ltd. 823.00 0.50 Interim 27/01/2022 17/02/2022 1.00 0.12% 0.29% Annually 1.36% 25.63 32.11 1.68 3.41 604.20 1,064.05 14,910.77 BHARATSE Bharat Seats Ltd. 84.75 0.50 Final 13/09/2021 21/10/2021 0.50 0.59% 1.24% Annually 9.97% 4.68 18.11 0.00 2.53 61.10 125.10 532.23 PPAP PPAP Automotive Ltd. 172.80 1.00 Final 26/08/2021 03/10/2021 1.00 0.58% 1.39% Annually 66.75% -2.40 1.44 1.50 160.00 259.95 242.89 SHARDAMOTR Sharda Motor Industries Ltd. 1,799.60 2.63 Final 18/08/2021 03/09/2021 2.63 0.15% 0.57% Annually 0.00% 108.61 16.57 1.12 4.50 1,264.55 2,952.10 5,165.54 SAMKRG Samkrg Pistons and Rings Ltd. 132.00 5.00 Final 20/09/2021 28/10/2021 5.00 3.79% 3.44% Annually 25.20% 11.92 11.07 0.00 1.13 122.70 259.35 129.63 HITECHGEAR The Hi-Tech Gears Ltd. 576.00 2.00 Final 21/09/2021 29/10/2021 2.00 0.35% 1.11% Annually 0.00% 25.76 22.36 0.63 1.73 515.00 1,280.45 1,081.62 MENONBE Menon Bearings Ltd. 98.39 2.00 Interim 27/10/2021 12/11/2021 1.50 1.52% 4.83% Annually 79.76% 4.29 22.94 2.32 3.85 88.00 158.00 551.38 VISHALBL Vishal Bearings Ltd. 92.25 0.50 Interim 02/11/2021 25/11/2021 0.50 0.54% 0.05% Annually 0.00% -3.46 0.00 0.00 85.00 171.70 99.55 JAMNAAUTO Jamna Auto Industries Ltd. 78.81 0.50 Interim 22/11/2021 10/12/2021 1.00 1.27% 1.41% Semiannually 9.47% 4.62 17.05 3.36 7.59 68.57 149.66 3,153.49 SONACOMS Sona BLW Precision Forgings Ltd. 503.00 0.77 Interim 11/02/2022 03/03/2022 0.77 0.15% 0.03% Annually 0.00% 9.81 51.25 18.34 21.87 464.05 768.65 31,325.26 SHANTIGEAR Shanthi Gears Ltd. 492.00 2.50 Interim 14/02/2022 28/02/2022 2.50 0.51% 3.10% Annually 0.00% 12.94 38.01 4.74 5.15 399.00 703.00 3,721.70 MINDACORP Minda Corporation Ltd. 544.00 0.30 Interim 15/02/2022 04/03/2022 0.65 0.12% 0.58% Semiannually 8.94% 11.47 47.41 1.61 3.77 388.80 652.00 12,799.28 MAHINDCIE Mahindra CIE Automotive Ltd. 2.50 Final 13/04/2022 25/05/2022 2.50 0.33% Annually 0.00% 0.85 1.38 0.00